I want to teach myself how to play the accoustic guitar. I want to now are there any good tips or websites taht can help.
I can play this piano and the alto sax, could that knowledge help me with the guitar just a bit?
Well, not that i know off, but i can give u a few ^^
As a begginner , i would start of with a easy song.
On your guitar, on the neck (the long thing with metal bars going across it), there will be metal bars across it. This divides the frets. The first fret would from the nut (the white thing going across the top of the neck) to the first metal bar
and from that bar to the second metal bar will the second etc etc…
Tuning your guitar:
There are several methods for tuning a guitar, but simplist one, in my opinion would be the where you play on the 5th fret
and play an open A that just plucking the 5th string from the top. Those two notes should sound, just about the same, if not then one is out of tune. On the 5th string again, play the 5th fret 5th string and do an open D, that the fourth string from the bottom. Those two should sound the same to. Now its 4th , 5th fret, and playing G the third string from the bottom, they should nearly sound the same…
Now on the third string (G string.. lol ^^) its 4th fret this time, and simply pluck the second string from the bottom, (B string)
but then its back to 5th fret second string and plcuking the first string (the highest pitch, E string)
I can understand that being complicated, but you’ll get the hang of it.
I would buy a book, which helps you learn the notes on the guitar ( saying e.g. 5th fret 5th string is really for begginers)
As you develope your skills a song which i’ve always like to play is Classical Gas by Mason Williams.
Also, accoustic guitar sounds alot nicer when playing chords ( that playing more than one note at a time e.g. D, when playing melody, your not really heard. So songs with chords would be suitable. That could be like Oasis, Dont look back in anger, or Amazing grace)
Hope i helped